Beer Benefits Not Many Know!
Have you ever been asked by someone not to drink beer? Well, you can now shower your intelligence by talking about the beer benefits on health. You should know, health benefits and beer do not go hand in hand. However, according to research drinking beer is not that bad and harmful to the health. To help you understand better, mentioned are some of the beer benefits not many know about:
Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases
According to a Harvard study, it is suggested that drinking beer on a daily basis, but in moderate quantity helps in lowering the risk of heart attack by 20-45 percent. Apart from this, another study shows a number of beer benefits. A glass or two of beer on a daily basis helps in enhancing the healthy cholesterol levels. Well, you should know, for better results, ensure the beer contains no more than 5 percent alcohol.
Helps Boost Confidence
For people who tend to have stage fear or cannot talk in front of other people, beer can definitely be of great help. It has been scientifically proven that intake of beer in moderation helps you to go easy on yourself. This further helps in boosting your levels of self-confidence. Besides, having a glass of beer also helps you feel more social and outgoing. It also helps in keeping anxiety and depression at bay.
Beer Helps Prevent Kidney Stones
Besides helping to boost confidence, having a beer in moderation helps in preventing excess calcium deposits in the urinary tract system. Furthermore, it also aids in flushing out the kidney stones from the system without causing any pain. This is done by widening the urinary tubes and producing a higher volume of urine. However, you are highly advised to drink beer in moderation, as drinking it more can cause kidney stones as it contains oxalates.
Increases Your Life Expectancy
As compared to wine, beer tends to contain more folate, antioxidants, selenium, phosphorus and vitamin B. These further helps in boosting the immunity and are good for bones and heart. They also work wonders in improving the eyesight and reduce the chances of developing kidney stones.
Beer Benefits on Eyesight
As per researchers, drinking beer on a daily basis helps in preventing the cataract formation. All thanks to the high amount of antioxidants it contains that works by preventing the onset of cataract. This also reduces the chances of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). You should know, these are the most common vision problems that lead to complete or partial vision loss.
These are some of the beer benefits not many know. Now that you are aware of them do not delay and spread the knowledge among your friends too.
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